We are committed to the sustainable development wherever we operate

Contributing to decarbonising energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting our most exposed sites to climate change

Our climate commitments seek to accelerate SUEZ contribution to carbon neutrality for the communities in which the Group operates. Those commitments fall into three categories: decarbonising energy; reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our activities; ensuring the resilience of essential services by adapting the sites we operate that are most vulnerable to the consequences of climate change.

Contributing to energy decarbonization

Decarbonizing SUEZ value chain

Adapting all priority and vulnerable sites to climate change

Results 2023 : proof by indicators!

- 11%

Reduction in GHG emissions from scopes 1 and 2 of our waste activities (excluding waste-to-energy)


Electricity self-sufficiency in Europe


Share of sustainable electricity consumption over total electricity consumption in Europe

Preserving biodiversity and natural resources wherever we operate

Our commitments to nature address the five pressures identified by IPBES as being responsible for biodiversity decline. We are taking action in three areas: preserving resources; increasing our capabilities in terms of regenerating natural environments; and reducing pressure on biodiversity.

Preserving resources

Growing nature regeneration capacities of SUEZ

Addressing the pressures on biodiversity

Results 2023 : proof by indicators!


Share of priority sites with a biodiversity action plan


Share of sites not using phytosanitary products


Turnover generated by solutions identified as growing nature regeneration

Strengthening the positive impact of our activities to ensure the responsible development of communities 

Alongside our partners and clients, we are committed to achieving both social and economic development at the same time. Our commitments aim to promote inclusion, gender equality and professional equality; to improve the health and safety of women and men throughout our value chain; and to contribute to local prosperity and access to essential services.

Ensuring respect for universal rights

Growing skills and fostering employee engagement

Contributing to the sustainable development of communities, wherever we operate

Results 2023 : proof by indicators!


Number of hours of voluntary work from SUEZ employees


Frequency rate of accidents


Global gender gap

Our 2023 - 2027 Sustainable Development Roadmap


Our progress report 2023


Check out our concrete actions for sustainable development

Sustainable performance through committed governance

We assess progress towards our sustainability targets according to a strict timetable, using quantitative performance indicators. Indicators are monitored by SUEZ executive management and CSR Committee.

Our CSR Committee, comprising members of the Board of Directors, validates sustainability targets, ensures that adequate resources are allocated to achieve them and evaluates their implementation. It reviews progress towards the Group’s commitments several times a year. The Group’s Executive Committee monitors that progress, performs budget oversight and approves transformative projects that contribute to the achievement of the roadmap objectives. Throughout the year, an operational steering committee meets to monitor the progress of our commitments and their implementation within the various Group entities.

In addition, 20% of SUEZ executives’ long-term compensation is indexed on the attainment of these targets, with a focus on health and safety, reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and equal opportunities.

This is part of a wider governance system designed to ensure that sustainable development issues, ethical principles and risk management are considered at all levels of the business and reported to all the Group’s stakeholders. SUEZ Non-Financial Performance Statement, Ethics Charter, Human Rights Policy and Vigilance Plan constitute its key reporting documents and are available on the Group’s website. Any breach of the fundamental principles set out in those documents can be reported to [email protected].