2021 Qingdao International Water Conference
Qingdao International Water Conference is a high-end international academic and technical conference with great influence and popularity in the China water industry. The conference aims to build a comprehensive exchange platform for water resources, water environment, water ecology and water security, and promote the development of water treatment industry between China and other countries. At the same time, leaders of the country and the industry make exchanges on policy planning, project demand and development trend in this field.
SUEZ participates in the plenary session themed on SCIP and makes 3 speeches on the side forum themed on wastewater treatment and sludge treatment.
Click here for more details of the event. -
Plenary Session 1: Resource Utilization of Wastewater
Topic: SCIP Water Project
Time: 13:50 - 14:10, 6 July
Felix FAN, Senior Vice President of SUEZ Asia
Thematic Session 10: Hard Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Topic: Hard Industrial Wastewater Treatment under the target of the peak of carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060
Time: 08:50 - 09:10, 7 July
ZHENG Bin, Chief engineer of Industrial Groups, Treatment Infrastructure, SUEZ Asia
Thematic Session 11: Resource Utilization of Industrial Wastewater
Topic: Thinking and Experience of SUEZ’s Wastewater Treatment for Industrial Parks
Time: 09:30 - 09:50, 7 July
CHEN Zhi, Technical Promotion Manager of SUEZ Asia
Thematic Session 24: Sludge Treatment and Utilization
Topic: Sludge Incineration Solution Adapted to Local Conditions
Time: 16:00 - 16:20, 7 July
CHENG Zhonghong, Technical Promotion Manager of SUEZ Asia -
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SUEZ Excellent Environmental Service Provider